Product Update 28/06/2024

A breakdown of new features, changes and additions to the Sparta Platform.

Sort by best arb added to Sparta for Crude 


Crude > Global ARBs > Dashboard > By Destination

Crude > Global ARBs > Dashboard > By Origin

Crude > Global ARBs > Dashboard > By Delivery Date

What is it?

The sort by best arb feature enables users to order arbs from best to worst. Sort by best margin according to your selected refinery type (simple, medium, or complex), and sort by the cheapest source on Landed Value views.


Navigate to Global ARBs under crude > Dashboard - By Destination view or By Origin view and select the up/down arrow next to the delivery window date and select sort by simple, medium or complex.

Navigate to Global ARBs under crude > Dashboard - By Delivery Date view and select the up/down arrow next to the delivery window date and select sort by best source.

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Vessel selector added to the Global ARBs Dashboard for diesel 


Distillate > Diesel > Global ARBs > Dashboard > Pricing Centre

Distillate > Diesel > Global ARBs > Dashboard > By Destination

What is it?

We have added the vessel selector to the pricing centre and by destination view for diesel, providing enhanced filtering and customisation. The MR, LR1 and LR2 vessel classes are selected by default.


Navigate to Global ARBs diesel under distillate > Dashboard - Pricing Centre or ARBs Comparison - By Destination view and select the vessel drop down.

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New ARB routes added to Global ARBs for Diesel


Distillate > Global ARBs > Diesel > Table 

What is it?

The following new ARB routes have been added to the Global ARBs table for Diesel.

Load Port Discharge Port Vessel Type
 Sikka   Botany Bay   MR, LR1, LR2 
 Singapore   Botany Bay   MR, LR1 
 Singapore   Rotterdam   LR2
 Ulsan   Botany Bay   MR, LR1 
 Yokohama   Botany Bay   MR, LR1 
 Mai Liao   Botany Bay   MR
 Singapore   Los Angeles   MR
 Ulsan   Los Angeles   MR
 Yokohama   Los Angeles   MR
 Mai Liao   Los Angeles 










Navigate to Global ARBs, Diesel under Distillate > Table, and select one of the regional filters at the top, for example, WCI, to see the new ARB routes for Diesel.

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