Product Update 26/02/2024

A breakdown of new features, changes and additions to the Sparta Platform.

Global ARBs, now available via the Cape 


Global ARBs (all) > Dashboard

Global ARBs (all) > Table 

What is it?

Sparta now enables traders to view arbitrage routes via Suez and the Cape across all our verticals to address the impact of recent developments in the Middle East and the Red Sea.


Sparta for Gasoline

Navigate to Global ARBs under gasoline > click on the dashboard and navigate to the "ARBs Comparison" view or the table, the new via the Cape arb routes are marked with the "Cape" label.

Sparta for Gasoline - ARBs via the Cape

Sparta for Distillate

Navigate to Global ARBs under distillate > click on the dashboard or the table for either diesel or jet, the new via the Cape arb routes are marked with the "Cape" label.

Sparta for Distillate - ARBs via the Cape

Sparta for Naphtha

Navigate to Global ARBs under naphtha > click on the dashboard or the table, the new via the Cape arb routes are marked with the "Via Cape" label.

Sparta for Naphtha - ARBs via the Cape