Product Update 02/02/2024

A breakdown of new features, changes and additions to the Sparta Platform.

New gasoline components added to Historical Forwards:


Live Curves (all) > Historical Forwards

What is it?

We have added the following gasoline component curves to Historical Forwards:

  • Euro Non-Oxy (Win) - ARA
  • Euro Non-Oxy (Sum) - ARA
  • E5 BOB Oxy (Win) - ARA
  • E5 BOB Oxy (Sum) - ARA
  • E10 BOB Non-Oxy (Win) - ARA
  • E10 BOB Non-Oxy (Sum) - ARA
  • Prem 10ppm Barges (Win) - ARA
  • Prem 10ppm Barges (Sum) - ARA
  • Conventional 87 M2 - HOU
  • Conventional 87 M3 - HOU
  • Conventional 87 M4 - HOU
  • CBOB 87 A2 - HOU
  • CBOB 87 A3 - HOU
  • CBOB 87 A4 - HOU


Navigate to Live Curves under Gasoline, Distillate or Naphtha > click Historical Forwards and select one of the new curves from the drop-down menu.

Gasoline components - Historical Forwards

New ICE Dubai future contract added to Futures in Live Curves


Live Curves (all) > Futures

What is it?

We have added the ICE Dubai future contract to the futures section as well as added the following curves to the Live Curves - Dashboard and Table.

  • Gas-Nap Box
  • TC20
  • TC23
  • TC23 (WS)
  • ICE Brent Future Spd
  • NYMEX WTI Future Spd
  • ICE Dubai Future - Last
  • ICE Dubai Future - Mid
  • ICE Dubai Future - Settle


Navigate to Live Curves under Gasoline, Distillate or Naphtha > click Futures and select the ICE Dubai Future contract from the filter at the top.

ICE Dubai - Futures